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Building Your Corner

Basic Needs Assessment

The answers you provide will help us create a basic needs assessment to assist in building customized solutions to satisfy the needs of your project.

IMPORTANT: Please ensure that your answers and contact information are as accurate and complete as possible. This will help us to provide you with the best response possible.

This questionnaire is the initial phase, and does not constitute a proposal for services. Thank you so much for your time -- we look forward to working with you!!

Project Details
The Name of your Project:
Proposed Project Launch Date: 

Project Description:
Please include what you do and how it relates to this project.

Creation of graphics, web page programming and other visuals for your site
Will you be requiring design services in this project?
 Yes    No  Unsure

If "yes" then please specify here either site build or site redesign
If "no" then please provide the web site address (URL) of your existing site here:
Creation and management of interactive features for your site, such as message forums (boards), chat rooms and instant messaging.
Are you interested in adding community features to your web site as part of the Project?
 Yes    No  Unsure
If "yes" then please check those features you wish to add and provide details where appropriate
Chat Rooms
How many?
Open how many hours per day? 
For how many days per week?  

Message Boards
How many?
Interactive Polls
Scribble Boards
An auditorium for online events
Moderation Services
Community Management Services
Distance Learning/Online Community Training
Creation of tools to facilitate hands-on community training or education using interactive media
Are you interested in adding distance learning (interactive training) features to your web site as part of the Project?
 Yes    No  Unsure
Internal Staff Community
Creation and production of facilities for your internal web site or closed network of computers at your organization
Are you interested in adding internal community facilities as part of the Project?
 Yes    No  Unsure
If "yes" then please check those features you wish to add and provide details where appropriate
Chat Rooms
How many?
Message Boards
How many?
Resource Library
Training Area
Information Exchange Area
Any other details, comments or descriptions
Please note here, with all relevant details including web site URLs, any other issues or factors which will help us to assess your needs:
Your Details
Contact Name (required):
Company/Organization Name:
E-Mail Address (required):
Telephone (including international codes if appropriate):


Need further advice? To send a question or comment online: contact form.
To fill out a needs assessment: online form.
To contact via phone:
Arizona Office - (480) 361-2635.
United Kingdom Office - (+44) (0) 704-400-4292
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